Jiyeon Lee is a top prizewinner of numerous competitions including 2021 Golden Classical Music Awards
International Competition, 2020 Delta Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition, Missouri State
University Concerto&Aria Competition, Missouri Music Teachers Association Competition, Seoul Music
Competition, Yewon Young Artist Piano Competition, Teenager Piano Competition, and Entertainment Music
News Competition. She was one of the Young Artist Division Finalists at the 2021 Weatherford College
International Piano Competition and won Ben I. Gomez Award as a participant at the 2021 Texas State
International Piano Festivel. Ms. Lee was chosen to give performances at the Ewon Prodigy Recital, YoungSan
Arts Recital Hall and Mapo Art Center and will be performing at Carnegie Hall at the end of 2021.
Jiyeon is currently a sophomore studying piano under the tutelage of Dr. Hye-Jung Hong at Missouri State
University. She graduated from Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School in Korea under her previous teachers,
Eun Jung Shon and Ji Yoon Kim.